Welcome to CARA Wales, agricultural and rural consultancy and advice. We offer an individual, unbiased and efficient service to help move your business forward.

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Dairy Labour Survey

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Are you a Dairy Farm Owner or Manager?

The RABDF would like you to complete a short 10-minute survey to gauge the severity of the labour issue on UK dairy farms. Last month (29 Sept), the Government announced new immigration rules being imposed from January 2021 which will see access to foreign labour restricted.

Please click on the link below for details of how to complete the survey. CLOSING DATE 20/11/2020.



Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2020 Support Scheme

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020


The BPS 2020 Support Scheme is now available to businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As in the previous two years, the Scheme will again pay a loan of up to 90% of the anticipated value of your 2020 claim – payment will be made during week commencing 7 December 2020. You are encouraged to consider applying in case of a long delay in processing your claim.

It is an OPT IN scheme, and you need to apply via your RPW Online account – the application window is open from 1 September until 27 November 2020.

  • For those CARA clients who pay us the annual fee (£100 + VAT) to regularly check for messages on their RPW account – we will automatically apply for the 2020 Support Scheme on your behalf AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.
  • For all other clients, should you wish CARA to apply for you, then please email or telephone us, giving your farm name  and Customer Reference Number (CRN)  – as on your RPW a/c – BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE (27/11/20). A CHARGE of £10 for this service will subsequently be added to your 2021 SAF invoice.

email: office@carawales.co.uk

Tel: 01570 471516

Change to accessing RPW Online

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

An additional layer of security is being introduced from 3 August 2020 for RPW Online Customers, known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Step by step guidance is available by following the link to the Welsh Government website.

Glastir Small Grants (GSG) 7th Window

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

The Expression of Interest (EOI) for the 7th window (Water theme) will open on  27th July 2020 and will close at midnight on 4th September 2020. As in previous windows, an existing Glastir contract is NOT NECESSARY  to be eligible.

Glastir Small Grants is a standalone scheme providing a maximum of £7,500 funding per theme for capital works to carry out projects to help improve water quality and reduce the risk of flooding. Successful applicants will need to complete the capital works and submit their final claim by 31 March 2021.

Further details, including scheme rules are available by following the links below:-

GSG (Water) Capital Works Technical Guidance Booklet

GSG (Water) Payment Rates

GSG General Rules

GSG How to Apply

If you require further assistance with your application via your RPW on-line account, please contact us here at CARA on 01570 471516.

Welsh Dairy Support Scheme

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020

Applications for the new Welsh Dairy Support Scheme will open on 18 June 2020, supporting farmers hardest hit by the recent exceptional market conditions due to COVID 19.

Eligible dairy farmers will need to demonstrate they have suffered a reduction of 25% or more in the average price paid for their milk in April and subsequently May, when compared to February 2020. Eligible farmers will be entitled to up to £10,000, to cover around 70% of their lost income to help them to continue to meet fixed costs and sustain production capacity without impacts on animal welfare and the environment. Milk Statements covering February, April and May 2020 will be required as supporting documentation.

Click here to access the Guidance/ How-to-apply Booklet produced by the Welsh Government.

The application will be made via RPW online, and the scheme application window will be open until 14 August 2020. Please contact us at CARA on 01570 471516 if you would like assistance with your application.

Sustainable Farming Scheme for Wales

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Menter a Busnes is working with Welsh Government to collect information from farmers across Wales to help shape a Sustainable Farming Scheme for Wales.

Can we please ask you to complete the short survey, and express an interest in participation in a one to one meeting or a group workshop- both will remain available until 30 June 2020.  It’s vital that farmers take this opportunity to share their opinion in the development of what will replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and  schemes such as Glastir.

Click here to follow a link to the Menter a Busnes website for further details.  

 There is a helpline farmers can complete the survey over the phone – 01970 636 297


British Institute of Agricultural Consultants (BIAC)

Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Congratulations to CARA Director Wendy Jenkins on recently being elected to Fellow of BIAC! BIAC Certificate

On Tuesday 11 February, CARA representatives attended the inaugural BIAC Wales Conference at ICC, Newport. It was a very successful day, with excellent speakers during both morning and afternoon sessions.

BPS 2019 Payments Exchange Rate

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

The Euro exchange rate has been set for calculating 2019 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments.

BPS payments for Wales are set in Euros and then converted into sterling and the rate, an average of the European Central Bank exchange rates set in September will be:-

€1 = 0.89092

For reference, the rates during the last 4 years have been:-

2018  €1 = 0.89281

2017  €1 = 0.89470

2016 €1 = 0.85228

2015 €1 = 0.73129

Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2019 Support Scheme

Thursday, October 10th, 2019


The BPS 2019 Support Scheme will be available for customers whose 2019 Single Application Form (SAF) will not be processed and ready for payment by the opening of the payment window on 2 December 2019.

The scheme will pay up to 90% of the anticipated value of your 2019 claim, and you are encouraged to consider applying in case of a long delay in processing your claim.

It is an OPT IN scheme, and you need to apply via your RPW Online account – the application will be available from 15 October until 29 November 2019.

  • For those CARA clients who pay us the annual fee (£100 + VAT) to regularly check for messages on their RPW account – we will automatically apply for the 2019 Support Scheme on your behalf AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.
  • For all other clients, should you wish CARA to apply for you, then please email or telephone us, quoting the name of your holding and Customer Reference Number (CRN) BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE (29/11/19). A CHARGE of £10 for this service will subsequently be added to your 2020 SAF invoice.

email: office@carawales.co.uk

Tel: 01570 471516

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations

Friday, August 23rd, 2019

If you intend to carry out an agricultural improvement project (e.g. ploughing, re-seeding, direct drilling or new drainage) on any semi-natural land, you will need a screening decision from the Welsh Government (WG) before you can proceed.

  • Semi-natural land is any area containing less than 25% of improved agricultural land (e.g. perennial Ryegrass and/or White clover)
  • Existing highly improved land (e.g. silage fields) will not require screening if it contains more than 25% of these species

You will need to submit a Screening Application form (click here) to your local WG Divisional Office before proceeding with your project. Responses  can take up to 35 days, so please plan ahead. There is no charge for applications, and decisions are valid for 3 years. Breaching the Regulations is illegal, and may lead to prosecution and penalties on your Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) or Rural Development Scheme payments.

Further information and guidance is available on the WG website or by contacting the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004 or EIA.unit@gov.wales

CARA staff will also be pleased to assist you with your application. Tel: 01570 471516