Welcome to CARA Wales, agricultural and rural consultancy and advice. We offer an individual, unbiased and efficient service to help move your business forward.

Posts filed under News:

Farming Connect

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

Welsh farmers can access a wide range of support available through Farming Connect. With accredited training, discussion groups, mentoring, advisory service and much more, there has never been a better time to benefit from business support and/ or technical advice. Many services are fully funded, others are subsidised by up to 80% to a maximum of €1500.

For details of how to register and information on eligibility criteria, visit the Farming Connect website or call their Service Centre on 0845 000 813.


Quarantine Units

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

If you keep cattle, sheep or goats, in Spring 2017 you will be able to choose between setting-up a Quarantine Unit (QU) to manage movements or continue to adhere to the Six Day Standstill (6DSS) rule on your whole holding. Further details are available on the Welsh Government website.

Glastir Advanced 2017 Contract Offers

Thursday, November 24th, 2016

Contract offers are being made via RPW Online, therefore if you are expecting a Glastir Advanced 2017 contract, please check your online account via which acceptance of your contract offer should be made within the deadline stipulated in the offer.

If you encounter any problems or are unable to access the website, please contact the RPW Online Helpdesk on 0300 062 5004.

Animal Transporter Authorisations

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Change to the renewal process – Type 1 authorisations

Please note that from 1 October 2016, existing short journey  transporter authorisations (Type 1) will not renew automatically. Instead, all applicants must reapply for authorisation by completing form WIT55 and submit this for their authorisation to be renewed before their existing authorisation expires. Transporters who allow their previous type 1 transporter authorisation to lapse by more than 4 months will be classed as a new applicant and should complete the WIT01 form.

Type 1 transporter authorisations are required for those transporting animals, as part of an economic activity, on journeys over 65km (40 miles appx) and up to 8 hours in duration. These include farmers, livestock and poultry hauliers, and those who move horses in connection with professional riding, livery and stabling.

A significant number of transporter authorisations (valid for 5 years) were renewed in 2012, which means that they will be due for renewal again in 2017. Transporters are therefore urged to apply for renewal at the earliest possible opportunity to ensure their continued authorisation. Please check your current authorisation documents which have expiry dates printed on them. It is the individual’s responsibility to apply for renewal and failure to do so risks heavy penalties if found to be operating without valid authorisation.

Type 2 authorisations

The other type of authorisation available is a long journey (Type 2) for all journeys over 65km including those that exceed 8 hours duration. Please complete form WIT02 and submit to the Animal and Plant Health agency (APHA) by post or email as detailed in Part 3 of the application form.

If you would like any further assistance with either type of authorisation, please contact us here at CARA on 01570 471516.

Nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZ) in Wales

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

The Welsh Government are consulting on the current measures for reducing water pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. New regulations are to be introduced in 2017 – these could have a major impact on the Industry. It is therefore IMPORTANT that as many as possible of the farming community submit their views on nitrate vulnerable zones.

Comments are required by 23 December 2016 – please click here for details of how to respond.

Rural Payments Wales Online

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016

Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online can be used to apply for and manage your payments for the Welsh Government’s Basic Payment and Glastir Schemes.

Firstly, you will need a Service Activation Code (SAC) which can be requested from the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004 (during office hours).  You will subsequently need your Government Gateway ID and password.

If you would like further assistance with the initial logging in process, please telephone us here at CARA on 01570 471516.

Glastir Organic Business Plans

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

All existing Glastir Organic Contract holders must complete and submit a Business Plan via their RPW Online account by 31 December 2016. A guidance booklet and business plan template is available to download from the Welsh Government’s website, – the Glastir Organic 2016 annual claim will not be validated for payment until a completed plan has been received.

If you would like help to complete a Business Plan, please contact us here at CARA.

Glastir Small Grants

Tuesday, October 25th, 2016

Glastir Small Grants contracts are now being issued to those farmers who have been selected as part of the carbon theme, following their expression of interest in the window which closed on 5 August 2016. Contracts need to be accepted within 21 days of issue and are available on your RPW online account. Please note that geotagged photos must be taken before and after capital works and submitted with your Glastir Small Grants claim. Further photo  guidance is available on the Welsh Government’s website, or contact us here at CARA.

Capital Works claims for Glastir Small Grants – carbon theme should be submitted via RPW online by 31 March 2017. Before and after geotagged photos must be uploaded with your claim.

Exchange Rate for Basic Payment Scheme payments 2016

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

The Euro exchange rate has been set for calculating 2016 Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments.

BPS payments for Wales are set in Euros and then converted into sterling and the rate, an average of the European Central Bank exchange rates set in September, will be:-

€1 = £0.85228

In 2015, the exchange rate for BPS was €1 = £0.73129


Glastir Organic

Thursday, October 20th, 2016

The third Glastir Organic window opened on 17 October 2016 and will close at midnight on 4 November 2016. Contracts will commence on 1 January 2017. The application is available and must be submitted through the Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online Service and guidance can also be found on the Welsh Government’s website. If you need additional help, please contact us at CARA.