The Expression of Interest (EOI) window for the Spring Sown Growing for the Environment is now open and will close on 18th November 2022. The minimum grant award is equivalent to the payment rate for 1ha of eligible crop,and the maximum grant is £5,000. EOI’s must be submitted via your RPW account – for more detailed information, please refer to the Rules Booklet (link below), in particular pages 21 and 39-56 (Annex B).
Growing for Environment Rules Booklet
There are options within the Scheme to grow the following crops:-
Mixed leys – Payment Rate £276/ha
Establish a mixed ley, comprising minimum 5 grass species, 3 legume species and 3 herb species.
(Species not individual varieties within species)
Minimum seed rate 25 kg / ha.
Red clover or Lucerne – Payment £229/ha
Establish a Red clover or Lucerne ley.
Mixtures of red clover cultivars are permitted.
Red clover can be sown as a monoculture or in combination with ryegrass.
Protein crops – Payment £234/ha
Establish and harvest a protein crop with no weed control.
Eligible crops: Field beans, peas, lupins.
Unsprayed root or forage crop – Payment £118/ha
Establish an unsprayed root or forage crop.
Eligible crops: Swedes, Fodder beets, White turnips, Soft yellow turnips, Hardy yellow turnips, Brassicas, Forage rape, Chicory.
Unsprayed spring sown cereals – Payment £162/ha
Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal crop.
Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye.
Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with mixed ley – Payment £297/ha
Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal crop,under sown with a mixed ley seed mixture.
Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye.
Under sown mixed ley, comprising maximum 5 grass and a minimum of 3 legume and 3 herb species.
Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix – Payment £173/ha
Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal / protein crop mix.
Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye / Field beans, peas, lupins, vetches.
Seed mixture to comprise 50% cereal and 50% protein seed by weight.
Unsprayed cereal and protein crop under sown with mixed ley – Payment £302/ha
Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal / protein crop mix.
Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye /Field beans, peas, lupins,
Seed mixture to comprise of 50% cereal and 50% protein crop by weight.
Under sown mixed ley, comprising maximum 5 grass and a minimum of 3 legume and 3 herb species.
Under sowing maize (Spring /summer sown) – Payment £85/ha
Establish a cover crop within a growing maize crop.
Seed mixture to include a minimum of 2 crop species which are suitable for growing within the shade of a maize crop.
If you would like further assistance with your application, please contact us here at CARA on 01570 471516 or by email on