Welcome to CARA Wales, agricultural and rural consultancy and advice. We offer an individual, unbiased and efficient service to help move your business forward.

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Farm Business Grant (FBG) – Yard Coverings

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

The FBG Yard Coverings Scheme is being offered to help pay for yard coverings and improved drainage systems for buildings. The first Expression of Interest (EOI) window is due to open on 9 November and will run for 6 weeks until 18 December 2020. A second application round is scheduled to open on 18 May 2021.

Welsh Government have now issue detailed guidance on the new Scheme- these can be accessed by following the links below:-

General Rules Booklet & List of Eligible items

How to use Rural Payments Wales (RPW) to apply

Geotagged photo guidance

If you are interested in the Scheme or wish to clarify anything, please contact us here at CARA on 01570 471516 or email office@carawales.co.uk

  • Same principles as old FBG. Standard cost for items. £3000 minimum grant (£7,500 spend) and £12,000 maximum grant (£30,000 spend) but starting from a clean slate now. As previously, producers must have a turnover of less than £1m.
  • Standard cost of £90/m2 (£8.36/ft2) of roof covering @ 40% grant – so grant of £36/m2 (in theory min roofing area 83m2 and max roofing area 333m2)
  • There will be 5 types of roof areas with different scores – covering livestock feeding areas, covering manure stores, covering silage stores, covering slurry stores and covering gathering areas.
  • Scores for each item are then multiplied by the water quality and water quantity area you are in -as determined by Welsh Government.
  • There are additional items available such as guttering & downpipes, sleeping policemen, slurry analysis kit, but these will not effect the score at all. They could however be used to get you to the minimum spend.
  • You will need to submit geo-tagged BEFORE photos of the area to be roofed with the EOI – 3 photos if possible
  • Farmers will have 12 months from date of issue of Contract to complete the works and submit a claim.
  • It must be new roofing – not second hand. You can build it yourself, but if you do, an engineer’s certificate must be provided.
  • At the Claim stage, you will be required to submit confirmation re. planning permission and SUDS (deals with surface water on developments over 100sqm), letter from Accountant re £1m turnover, invoices for shed / materials and geo-tagged AFTER photos

The AFTER geo-tagged photos will also need to show that the clean water from the new roof is diverted to a clean water drain, and that the slurry from the yard area is directed to the slurry pit.


Dairy Labour Survey

Wednesday, October 21st, 2020

Are you a Dairy Farm Owner or Manager?

The RABDF would like you to complete a short 10-minute survey to gauge the severity of the labour issue on UK dairy farms. Last month (29 Sept), the Government announced new immigration rules being imposed from January 2021 which will see access to foreign labour restricted.

Please click on the link below for details of how to complete the survey. CLOSING DATE 20/11/2020.



CARA Job Vacancies

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

Due to an expanding workload, we are currently looking for an additional Agricultural Consultant as well as an Office Manager to become  members of the CARA Team. Please click on the links below for a job description and details of how to apply. Closing date: 20 November 2020.




Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) 2020 Support Scheme

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020


The BPS 2020 Support Scheme is now available to businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As in the previous two years, the Scheme will again pay a loan of up to 90% of the anticipated value of your 2020 claim – payment will be made during week commencing 7 December 2020. You are encouraged to consider applying in case of a long delay in processing your claim.

It is an OPT IN scheme, and you need to apply via your RPW Online account – the application window is open from 1 September until 27 November 2020.

  • For those CARA clients who pay us the annual fee (£100 + VAT) to regularly check for messages on their RPW account – we will automatically apply for the 2020 Support Scheme on your behalf AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.
  • For all other clients, should you wish CARA to apply for you, then please email or telephone us, giving your farm name  and Customer Reference Number (CRN)  – as on your RPW a/c – BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE (27/11/20). A CHARGE of £10 for this service will subsequently be added to your 2021 SAF invoice.

email: office@carawales.co.uk

Tel: 01570 471516

Sustainable Farming and our land

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

Welsh Government has launched a consultation seeking views on proposals to continue and simplify agricultural support for Welsh farmers from 2021.

Click here to view the consultation document and to respond online or to download a response form to complete and return by email or post. Comments must be submitted by 23 October 2020.

Change to accessing RPW Online

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

An additional layer of security is being introduced from 3 August 2020 for RPW Online Customers, known as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

Step by step guidance is available by following the link to the Welsh Government website.

Glastir Small Grants (GSG) 7th Window

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

The Expression of Interest (EOI) for the 7th window (Water theme) will open on  27th July 2020 and will close at midnight on 4th September 2020. As in previous windows, an existing Glastir contract is NOT NECESSARY  to be eligible.

Glastir Small Grants is a standalone scheme providing a maximum of £7,500 funding per theme for capital works to carry out projects to help improve water quality and reduce the risk of flooding. Successful applicants will need to complete the capital works and submit their final claim by 31 March 2021.

Further details, including scheme rules are available by following the links below:-

GSG (Water) Capital Works Technical Guidance Booklet

GSG (Water) Payment Rates

GSG General Rules

GSG How to Apply

If you require further assistance with your application via your RPW on-line account, please contact us here at CARA on 01570 471516.

CARA – 15 years of delivering advice

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

Pen-blwydd CARA yn 15 !   CARA 15-year Anniversary!

The CARA team would like to thank you for all your support and custom over the last 15 years. The Company was established on the 1st July 2005, hence we have now been trading for 15 years, providing business services and advice to rural businesses across South and West Wales. When we started we were a team of 5 members of staff, and we have now more than doubled that figure to 12 members of staff.

 As some of you may be aware, we were planning on undertaking the 3 Welsh Peaks challenge today, on the anniversary of the Company, to raise funds for the Welsh Air Ambulance and Tir Dewi. This has been postponed in light of the current situation, however we will endeavour to complete the challenge as soon as is practically possible. For those of you who have already donated, we thank you, and assure you that your donations will be held onto until we have climbed the mountains!

 We wish to thank all our customers for their loyal support, kind hospitality and friendship over the years, and look forward to many more years of forging good working relationships.

 Kind Regards

John, Iwan, Wendy and all the CARA team.

Hoffai’r tim yn CARA ddiolch yn fawr ichi am eich cefnogaeth dros y pymtheg mlynedd diwethaf. Sefydlwyd y Cwmni ar y 1af  o Orffennaf 2005, ac ers hynny rydym wedi bod yn darparu cyngor a gwasanaethau busnes i fusnesau gwledig ar draws De a Gorllewin Cymru.

Roedd 5 aelod o staff gan y cwmni yn y dyddiau cynnar, ond mae hynny wedi mwy na dwbli i 12 aelod o staff erbyn hyn. 

 Fel roedd nifer o ohonoch yn ymwybodol, roeddem wedi gobeithio cwblhau sialens y Tri Copa Cymreig, heddiw ar ddiwrnod penblwydd y Cwmni, i godi arian tuag at Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru a Tir Dewi. Bu’n rhaid inni ohirio hyn oherwydd yr amgylchiadau presennol, ond gobeithiwn gallu cwblhau’r sialens cyn gynted â bo modd. I’r rhai ohonoch sydd wedi cyfrannu yn barod, diolchwn ichi, a gallwn eich sicrhau y bydd yr arian yn ddiogel nes y byddwn wedi dringo’r mynyddoedd!

 Hoffwn ddiolch i’n holl gwsmeriaid am eu cefnogaeth ddi-ffuant, cyfeillgarwch a lletygarwch caredig dros y blynyddoedd, ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddyfodol disglair o weithio gyda’n gilydd. 


 Cofion Cynnes

John, Iwan, Wendy a’r tim yn CARA



Sustainable Farming Scheme for Wales

Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Menter a Busnes is working with Welsh Government to collect information from farmers across Wales to help shape a Sustainable Farming Scheme for Wales.

Can we please ask you to complete the short survey, and express an interest in participation in a one to one meeting or a group workshop- both will remain available until 30 June 2020.  It’s vital that farmers take this opportunity to share their opinion in the development of what will replace the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and  schemes such as Glastir.

Click here to follow a link to the Menter a Busnes website for further details.  

 There is a helpline farmers can complete the survey over the phone – 01970 636 297