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Archive for August, 2024

Small Grants – Environment (Water 2024)

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
The Expression of Interest (EOI) window for Small Grants -Environment is 12 August to 20 September 2024.This round of Small Grants -Environment will address the theme of Water, and is a standalone scheme providing a maximum of £7,500 funding per business for Capital Works Projects. These include:-

  • Hedge coppicing and gapping up
  • New hedge planting
  • Hedge laying

(all the above 3 options with Fencing as supporting capital works)

  • Cross drains
  • Sleeping policemen
  • Guttering and downpipes
  • Maintenance of gateways

Capital Works projects must be claimed for and submitted with before and after geo-tagged photos by 15/03/2025.

The relevant Scheme documents can be viewed by following the links below:
General Rules Booklet
Technical Guidance Booklet
 Payment Rates

If you would like further assistance with your application, please contact the CARA Office as soon as possible on 01570 471516 or email office@carawales.co.uk